Merancang Riset Akuntansi yang Melampaui: Langkah Awal Mencapai Ekonomi Inklusif dan Berkelanjutan


  • Annisa Fitriana Politeknik Negeri Malang
  • Eliza Noviriani Politeknik Negeri Sambas


Critical Thinking, Cognitive Dissonance, Imagination, Dialogic Learning


This research internalizes multiparadigm accounting research using dialogic learning methods to create "transcending accounting" thinking. Dialogic learning methods are applied in research methodology courses to explore students' imagination, cognitive dissonance and critical thinking. The findings obtained are students' awareness that the accounting research paradigm is not only focused on one form. Students realize that data must be presented in every research, whatever the paradigm form. Students succeeded in coming up with the idea of "beyond accounting" research which had not been carried out in the past. This article provides an alternative dialogic learning method in research methodology courses. Through this method, the internalization of the accounting research paradigm can arouse students' imagination, cognitive dissonance and critical thinking to produce the concept of "transcending accounting". This research expands similar research through the internalization process in a dialogic learning process to provide benefits and an inclusive impact.


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How to Cite

Fitriana, A., & Noviriani, E. (2024). Merancang Riset Akuntansi yang Melampaui: Langkah Awal Mencapai Ekonomi Inklusif dan Berkelanjutan. Simposium Nasional Akuntansi Vokasi (SNAV) XII, 12(1), 313–324. Retrieved from